Turkeys & Snows
As I am writing this I have Stormy (black lab) next to my desk, snow geese flying over the club, and it’s 60 degrees out. Yes, I should be outside! With this weather, it doesn’t feel like upland season but we get to hunt all the way to April 15th. We are filling in the open dates and we have a very busy week ahead of us with lodge guests. If you would still like to hunt prior to April 15th call Sheri at office and she will let you know what is still available.
Our snow goose guide from Texas is named Cash Parrish and he arrived Monday to set up for the conservation snow goose season. Andy Duncle (our fall waterfowl guide) and Cash spent a full day getting over 2,000 decoys set out and now it’s time to hunt. You can follow our updates on Facebook or simply call the office for updates on the snow geese.
We have had the opportunity to work with Cash for a few years now and he is a treat. If you like hunting with a good ‘ole southern boy Cash is your man. He is as knowledgeable as any guide I have ever hunted with and if the hunting gets slow he has a lot of great stories. In January, I was fortunate to host a crane hunt with a group down in Texas and Cash gave us an experience we will never forget! We will be sending out information on the Texas crane hunting later this year in case that is on your bucket list.
This weather also makes me think of chasing gobblers. Spring turkey hunting is hard to beat, I still remember the entire process of my first turkey hunt near Royal, NE. Being born and raised in central Nebraska, there weren’t a lot of opportunities to hunt Turkey close to home so we went to Northeast Nebraska where they were plentiful. On this trip, I was around the age of 12 and I remember packing up the camper, hiking the steep hills, eating by the campfire and fishing Grove lake in between the morning and afternoon hunts. But what I remember most is hearing the gobblers in the morning. It raised the hair on the back of my neck and gave me a rush that hooked me forever. I was unsuccessful on this hunt but it’s all about the experience and I am so thankful my mom and dad took me hunting as much as they did. Today there are ample opportunities to hunt gobblers in Nebraska and we have the privilege to hunt turkeys and guide hunters on some of Northeast Nebraska’s finest turkey habitat. Whether you’re looking for a corporate hunt, parent-child hunt, or a solo hunt, we would love to accommodate you. Click on the link for more information on our Turkey hunts: https://www.pheasantbonanza.com/turkey-and-deer-hunts/.
Here are some updates at Pheasant Bonanza:
1.) We have multiple litters on the way. Arrow just whelped 11 GSP pups and more litters should be coming soon. If you are in the market for a puppy please reach out to Chris Bogacz at 402.870.0887 or at chris@pheasantbonanza.com. We specialize in Labrador retrievers and German Shorthaired Pointers.
2.) Minnesota Youth Hunting Camp near Prior Lake, MN. If you have a child between the ages of 12-16 this camp is for them! Even if you are a beginner, this is a great opportunity to get more experience in shooting and the outdoors. I have had the privilege to hunt, shoot, and trial at Minnesota Horse and Hunt Club and it’s a perfect host site for this camp. Please reach out to myself at 402.210.3051 or trent@pheasantbonanza.com if you have any interest in the camps. The camp flyer is below.
3.) The “Upland Challenge” is a perfect way to end the upland season and if you pencil it out, it’s cheaper than any hunt we offer. You don’t have to have 5 shooters- you can hunt with one or two if you desire. So far the teams that have tried it have had great experiences. I can’t give you the results but there isn’t anyone “perfect” yet. Ha ha!
4.) We will have more dog training spots open up after March 15th, don’t wait to sign up they will go quick. If you want referrals, we have them available but even better we will give you a free professional evaluation so you can see where your dog is at and discuss with our trainer(s) where you want your dog to be.
Words of Wisdom:
“The only way to defeat pessimism is with optimism.” -Simon Sinek
“Odds of a human being born is 1 in 400 trillion. Be thankful and live your life to your fullest potential.”
“Bring the best version of yourself each and every day to all areas of your life. You become what you believe!”
Trent Leichleiter
Managing Partner

Trent Leichleiter


2020 Texas Crane Hunting Crew

2020 Texas Crane Hunting Crew

2020 Texas Crane Hunting Crew