Jase Sorenson
Jase is the Head Dog Trainer and a Guide at Pheasant Bonanza. This will be Jase’s 5th season at Pheasant Bonanza and he has already made a name for himself. Jase was introduced to hunting by his Grandpa. He started taking Jase hunting when he was just 5 years old. When he turned 15, the tides turned and he was taking his Grandpa hunting due to health conditions. As the years went on, his health and eyesight weakened so in his shop class, Jase built a heated deer blind on wheels. It could fit 3 recliners and had a wheelchair ramp for his Grandpa. That’s where they hunted together until his Grandpa passed away. “People ask me where I got the patience to guide. My first client was blind and in a wheelchair,” says Jase.
His stepdad, however, is the one who got him started in pheasant hunting. On cold mornings they would walk with their Springer, Jack. “I am a bird hunter at heart. Nothing gets my heart pumping like watching geese lock up on a snowy January morning, or a Pointer working a field then coming to a screaming stop, to point a rooster,” he said.
Jase’s favorite part about guiding at Pheasant Bonanza is being a part of someone’s memory of a great hunt and then talking about stories back in the lodge after a long day in the field.
As far as hunting dog breeds, Jase doesn’t have a favorite breed, but he runs a Golden Retriever named Coach. “What I like about him,” Jase added, ” is he can handle those cold days out field hunting duck and geese and turn a motor on when we upland hunt. Then after a long day shut it all off in the house.5