Greg Middleton
Greg is in his 7th season guiding at Pheasant Bonanza. He started hunting as a young boy long before he was old enough to carry a gun, he can still remember how excited he was when his dad and uncle took he and his cousin hunting. He couldn’t wait for those days. It’s hard for him to believe that it’s been almost 50 years since those early childhood experiences.
Greg believes the best part of being involved with Pheasant Bonanza are the people (and dogs) he gets to meet. It’s been a great experience for him.
He also enjoys taking his wife out to experience hunting, fishing and shooting. They both like to travel and enjoy photographing the places they go and experiences they have. They enjoy hunting in other countries. That’s been a fantastic experience.
Greg has retired from a long career and can’t wait to see what the future holds. He really enjoys hunting behind a nice dog – it makes bird hunting much more rewarding and enjoyable. He especially likes hunting behind a nice Labrador Retriever and has owned several.