Dog Training
It’s been another challenging week but thankfully we have had a lot of members come to see us and use our services. We are being very careful with our common areas, practicing social distancing, and making sure we protect your health as well as our team’s health.
As I type this up, there are a couple words I am tired of hearing…. COVID 19 and SOCIAL DISTANCING. We need to be smart but I am tired of all the negativity. Don’t get me wrong, this is a very serious issue and everyone’s health is very important. I have the attitude that I am killing negativity with positivity. Each day when I wake up I appreciate five things. When you start your day off being positive I have noticed I show up better at work, with family, and when visiting with customers.
Personally, I am not going to dwell on the negative effects of this virus. My five positive appreciations today are:
1.) Family time- I have been able to spend more time with my family getting away from the “busyness” of life.
2.) We are able to still operate and provide a service that encourages “social distancing”. We aren’t able to host our larger corporate groups but we have been blessed to host a lot of our members and provide them a place to get outdoors, exercise, and enjoy Mother Nature.
3.) Accountability- I have a few accountability groups that I report to daily and being an athlete for 20 years of my life has taught me to welcome accountability in all areas of my life.
4.) I appreciate the Owner of PB Lynden Tennison- along with hundreds of thousands of other business managers, I am carrying a lot of weight and I appreciate the way Lynden is handling this trying time. Lynden could have had me shut the doors and minimize all additional expenses but instead he wants to keep operating and keep pressing forward.
5.) Our PB Staff- I appreciate my staff and my family often in my daily appreciations. Without the staff, we wouldn’t be the great place PB is. They do a lot to go above and beyond to accomplish that. Operating during this time requires a lot of extra cleanliness, off the clock hours, and extra positivity. Our staff has been very positive during this tough time and I’m very thankful for them!
I wanted to touch a little on dog training. Now is the perfect time to get your dog trained! We offer gun dog training, obedience training, and socialization. My children wanted to do a quick commercial for their socialization. See the video here.
I need to teach the kids a little more about the commands and consistency but they have truly loved being at home and they are socializing dogs daily as part of their homeschooling. If you have any interest in having our professional dog trainers, Chris and Chuck, train your companion, please reach out as soon as possible as we have just a few spots left for April-May. Training is defined as, “the action of teaching a person or animal a particular skill or type of behavior.” Repetition and consistency is very important in training. If your dog is not responding well to training, 90% of the time, it’s the trainer. Dogs learn and respond differently than humans- they don’t reason as well as humans so it’s very important that you are consistent and provide ample repetitions for a behavior or action. When training dogs, it only takes around 100 repetitions to make a fresh habit but around 800-1,000 reps to break a bad habit, so it’s important do it right the first time.
Here are some of the updates at PB:
1.) The specials are in your favor and we are doing what we can to finish our season. We are offering 30% off guided half day hunts & overnight hunt packages.
2.) The “Upland Challenge” is a perfect way to end the upland season and if you pencil it out, it’s cheaper than any hunt we offer. You don’t have to have 5 shooters- you can hunt with one or two if you desire. So far the teams that have tried it have had great experiences. I can’t give you the results but there isn’t anyone “perfect” yet. Ha ha!
3.) We are taking precautions for the spread of this virus. If you are getting stir crazy and tired of being indoors, book an outing with us. If you don’t feel comfortable coming into our office, we can do everything outside and you can have very little or no exposure to people. We can customize and we will help you have a successful outdoor outing and get a good dose of fresh air and exercise. Call Sheri at 402.374.1765 or email
4.) Our “Social Distancing European Hunts” are April 4th, and April 11th. We will not be meeting inside for this and lunches will be “carry-out”. All paperwork can be done outside and you can still enjoy the events. These Euros are going to be large releases as we have extra birds to use up. SPECIAL: Buy 4 get 2 free if you want to bring your whole family!
5.) The finals for the GDS (Gun Dog Series) is this weekend (April 4th) and if you did not enter twice throughout regular season you can still buy into the tournament. This is the finals and there will be a CASH prize. We are looking forward to seeing who ends the season as our GDS champions! Chukar will be used for this finals tournament.
Words of Wisdom:
“If you don’t have goals, you are just coasting!”
Set Goals! I personally set goals for each quarter so I am getting started on my 2nd quarter goals. The pastor (Andrew Anderson) at Country Bible Church near Blair, NE shared this with our congregation and I really like it: Set goals in the 5F area. Faith, Family, Fitness, Future and Finances. Make sure you are making measurable goals that you measure in the end. Example: Lose weight and get healthier…. That’s a great goal but write down what are you going to do and what input goals you need to put in place to accomplish that goal. Rather it would be better to set a goal to walk/run (cardio) for a minimum of 5 hours per week.
Until next week, stay healthy and positive and we will all get through this together!
Trent Leichleiter
Managing Partner

Jager, Kruze, & Bryx pose with their dog training partners (Dallas, Bambi, & Angel).

Professional Trainer, Chuck Bohlin

Professional Trainer, Chris Bogacz